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About Hair To Dye For


I worked closely with the owner of Hair To Dye For. This hair stylist brand had already been in the market for a while, with over seven years of experience in the hair styling industry, having started as a mobile hairstylist. Eventually, it made it to the big stage, working for New York Fashion Week in 2019, and now it was my pleasure to redesign and give the brand a fresh new look. 


The main objective was to create a unique and modern brand identity that would appeal to young adults while maintaining a classic and sophisticated appeal.


The redesign process was collaborative, with the owner sharing her vision and what she hoped to achieve. The biggest challenge of the project was finding a logo style that would be both unique and recognizable while still being comfortable for the owner. 


Overall, the project was successful, and the new Hair To Dye For was well-received by the owner's clients and the target audience. 

hair you'll love to dye for!

Logo Concept


The concept behind this logo was to create an enjoyable and modern design that evokes the feeling of hair tools and hair itself. The letters are joined and stretched to mimic the movement and flow of hair while maintaining a clean and contemporary font. 


The result is a playful and professional logo perfectly capturing the essence of the brand it represents as Hair To Dye For stands for the impeccable work the owner does with any of the services she offers.


       #B3C763                         #646848                       #DAE0BD                        #3E422D

Typography  ( Monaqi )


The Monaqi font was carefully selected to become

a part of the Hair To Dye For brand.


They embody a clean and contemporary look,

perfectly aligning with the brand's essence. 

Screenshot 2024-02-29 at 8.51.54 PM.png



I had the pleasure of working alongside the owner of CRUMBS to co-create the branding and design for an exciting bakery project launched in Maracaibo, Venezuela, during the pandemic.


The goal was to develop a visually appealing and approachable design to attract and engage customers. We also wanted to ensure that the bakery offered diverse desserts to cater to

the local audience.


However, one of our biggest challenges was finding the perfect balance between sophistication and fun, which was crucial to appeal to a broad audience.


In the end, we delivered a brand identity that captured the essence of the bakery's vision, and it was truly magical to see our hard work come to life.


Logo Concept


As the slogan says in Spanish, "Happiness in Sweet Crumbs," we wanted to depict that when creating the logo itself.


The CEO and Baker of CRUMBS is called Barbara, so in a way, we wanted to ensure the logo had the "B" as the primary and focal point, as well as the bitten-off letter with the crumbs falling out to resemble a cookie and the colours in yellow, pink and teal representing the liveness of the brand.


       #A350FF                         #F5DC00                       #FF2CAA                        #00C6FF

Typography  (MEROCHE Avenir)


The Meroche and Avenir fonts were carefully selected

to become a part of the CRUMBS brand.


They embody modernity and movement, perfectly

aligning with the brand's essence. 


CRUMBS Socials


The social branding aspect of CRUMBS was carefully crafted to engage with customers on a

personal level. 


By creating eye-catching menu posts, a "Dessert of the Month" beside the bakery's classics, and running a giveaway for every 1k followers, the brand was able to build a solid online presence and

keep customers coming back for more. 


The ultimate goal was to create a sense of familial warmth and trust through the brand's social media channels, encouraging customers to turn

to CRUMBS for all their special occasion

dessert needs.


About Celebration MTL


This project was created to make party planning a beautiful experience for everyone involved while keeping an eye on the budget. 


The target audience for this brand is people with regular incomes who desire affordable yet high-quality events at their homes. The process was collaborative, with both co-owners sharing a vision for the brand and what they hoped to achieve. They were both part of the marketing and advertisement industry as Marketers and Graphic Designers.


The project's biggest challenge was finding a name that would work in English, French, and Spanish, as both co-owners are native speakers of these languages. After trying many different names, "CELEBRATION" was chosen because it appealed to every need.


It was an exciting project to launch, and there is so much space to create!

we budget, you celebrate!

Logo Concept


The concept behind this logo was to create an enjoyable and modern design that evokes the feeling of celebration, which means party, happiness, and togetherness.


The letters are divided like emphatic vowel sounds to entice the reader to enunciate with emphasis and a confetti accent for the C as a flowing, adaptable, versatile, and fun-flowing shape


The result is a logo that captures the brand's essence: We Budget, You Celebrate!



       #FF4000                         #FFB3F2                         #70E2BA                          #1A00D1

Typography  (Avenir Next Bold)


The Avenir Next Bold font was carefully selected to

become a part of the CELEBRATION brand identity.


It embodies a minimalist yet eye-catching look that 

perfectly aligns with the brand's essence. 


About Sweet Charo


This project was created to assist a traditional home bakery with over 30 years of experience in various desserts. Our goal was to give the brand a modern and joyful feel, using colours and flowy movements reminiscent of the sponginess of cakes and the flow of meringues.


The target audience includes loyal customers aged 28 to 70 and a new audience that can be reached through social media.


The biggest challenge was to create a logo that would capture the essence of the baker while using a colour palette that would convey the liveliness of her delicious treats without being too intense or too muted.


One of the things that excites me about my job is helping older clients achieve their specific business goals. It's a beautiful task!

Tan dulces como los de abuela

Logo Concept


The logo concept was inspired by the baking process, precisely the flow of ingredients that results in a beautiful end product.


As the slogan says in Spanish, "As sweet as Grandma's," that is the feeling people get when purchasing treats from Charo, a very homey, sweet, and loving taste for her baking.


The aim was to create a design that evokes movement, versatility, and tradition while also capturing the essence of baking.


The flowy design reflects the fluidity of the baking process, while the overall look and feel of the logo are meant to convey a sense of beauty and elegance.



       #53AE71                         #CF499D                         #E4220C                         #1EB5C1

Typography  (Cherly Blossom)


ThCherry Blossom font was carefully selected to

become a part of the Sweet Charo brand.


They embody a traditional yet easygoing look, perfectly

aligned with the brand's essence, and are excellent in their ability to customize in shape to go more with the desired look.


About Ada


Ada is an art store that celebrates spirituality, good vibes, and peaceful energy. The brand combines bohemian style and classic elegance, with mandalas as the central theme.


Each piece crafted by Ada is unique yet versatile, designed to evoke inner peace and harmony.


The brand's colour palette reflects calming energy, with soft and vibrant shades of cherry red and pink that bring comfort and liveliness to the consumer.


Ada's art reflects the woman behind it - a strong and creative individual passionate about creating abstract art that inspires and uplifts others.

custom art pieces

Logo Concept


The ADA logo is a modern, feminine, and beautiful design that embodies the soulful and balanced artist. 


The mandala incorporated in the logo represents the balance, harmony, and creativity that ADA brings to their art pieces.


The delicate font used for the name adds a touch of elegance and sophistication, while the firm and rounded font used for the slogan "Custom Art Pieces" gives a sense of reliability and quality. 

Overall, the logo represents ADA's commitment to creating unique and custom art pieces that are soulful, balanced, modern, and playful.



       #F93965                         #FFD8E1                         #000000                         #FFFFFF

Typography  ( Gallient Leo Rounded)


The Gallient and Leo Rounded font was carefully

selected to become a part of the ADA brand identity.


They embody a clean, feminine and reliable feel,

perfectly aligned with the brand's essence. 





Yia Sou is a Greek restaurant that offers customers a true taste of Greece through its authentic dishes and unique ambiance. Established more than thirteen years ago, it has become a beloved destination for those seeking a memorable dining experience.


The restaurant's founder envisioned a space that would transport customers to a corner of Greece, and Yia Sou has achieved just that with its welcoming atmosphere. The restaurant's décor features traditional Greek elements, like white-washed walls, blue accents, and rustic wooden furniture, creating a cozy and inviting space that feels like a home away from home.


Yia Sou's menu is a testament to the richness of Greek cuisine. The restaurant's chefs use only the freshest ingredients, and the dishes are prepared with care and attention to detail, ensuring a lip-smacking experience for every customer.


Greece's vibrant culture and gastronomy inspire the restaurant's brand identity. The logo features a simple yet elegant design that incorporates elements like the Parthenon and the Ocean, while the colour scheme is inspired by the blue and white of the Greek flag.


Overall, Yia Sou's brand identity reflects the warmth and hospitality of Greek culture while showcasing the restaurant's delicious cuisine.

The taste of Greece

Logo Concept


We based the logo on figurative and typographic styles to show us what a piece of Mediterranean and Greek architecture would be and the typography's modernized Greek look. Since the name YIASOU is defined as HELLO in Greek.


Just as the isotype is a Greek building with the doors open to welcome whoever comes to the place.


You can see a symbol of the sea next to some pillars and a house in the style of the culture of Mykonos and Santorini with the colour scheme of the Ocean and Greek Culture.


On the other hand, at the bottom,

Above, we find the Slogan that speaks about Greece's place and taste, freshness, tradition, and flavourful experiences.



       #00036E                         #022CF0                         #DEBF99                         #FFFFFF

Typography  ( chisato Leo Rounded)


The Chisato and Leo Rounded fonts were carefully selected for the typographic part of the logo, we wanted to choose a font that remained modern while retaining the style of Greek culture.

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